• #2
fast times!
• #3
you should come and give brixton a try.
• #4
chalk farm area below belsize is a notorious dodgy zone, friend was surrounded by youths and they removed the bike from him.
• #5
I must admit when I saw your vivalo outside the shop on Kingsland rd the other night I was tempted... how you doing mate?
• #6
- 1 Slaytanic, I had that happen to me on Shacklewell Lane going to Matt and Mary's one night for an inner tube. carrying my bike, drunk/cracked-out woman with a drunk/cracked-out man - first questions, then sympathy for puncture, then "that's my bike actually mate. It is, it is. I'll get my boyfriend to beat you up" (boyfriend wasn't looking in the mood but you never know)..this continued and gathered pace as I carried on walking. Go back to your little world of crack and I'll continue in my much nicer little world of bikes.
- 1 Slaytanic, I had that happen to me on Shacklewell Lane going to Matt and Mary's one night for an inner tube. carrying my bike, drunk/cracked-out woman with a drunk/cracked-out man - first questions, then sympathy for puncture, then "that's my bike actually mate. It is, it is. I'll get my boyfriend to beat you up" (boyfriend wasn't looking in the mood but you never know)..this continued and gathered pace as I carried on walking. Go back to your little world of crack and I'll continue in my much nicer little world of bikes.
• #7
My g/f had this happen to her a couple of times....
• #8
chalk farm area below belsize is a notorious dodgy zone, friend was surrounded by youths and they removed the bike from him.
the same happened at the back of my house in bloody de beauvoir near the canal. they also spit or throw stones at people going down whitmore road or the canal and if you get off you bike they take it from you.
• #9
powdercoated, NJS knuckle-dusters needed...
• #10
ye ive had this happen to me before. once in blue city, (an estate inbetween manor house and highbury) i was surrounded by a good 15 boys who ripped my bike away from me before i dived back onto it and eventually one of my mates appeared and jumped on it too, after an epic fight we dragged it into a mates house. worst experience ive had of that kind yet.
• #11
powdercoated, NJS knuckle-dusters needed...
If my bike was ever to be nicked by any of these cunts, i'd sincerely hope they would kill themselves on it. They should stick to riding their cheapo halfords mountain bikes on footpaths pedalling like cunts in extremely low gearing. -
• #12
Did my laundry in my local 24-hour laundrette/crack den on Hackney Road last night, well past midnight. Made sure I had my heavy NY d-lock ready to crack someone's facebone if they freaked out on me.
A while ago, was in there doing my drying, talking to a junky who was wiping up the watery smack/blood cocktail he'd spilt on the bench. NICE!
• #13
This is particularly obnoxious as it's almost a non-aggressive way of 'claiming' your property. They need their bellends run round the back end of a sprocket.
I've often thought this would be a good scam (not good in a good way if you know what I mean...). I supposed it's mostly for the sake of bystanders right?
• #14
they need a splashing of freddie mercury's blood in the face
• #15
fuckin' hell Dave, gnarly.
• #16
This has been happening to me ALL my life!
And I dont even live in londons famous dangerous london. It hasnt been a problem since being 16 or so, since getting streetwise/big enough to deal with it.
Indeed had some sketchy incidents, several with knives..
Luckily Birmingham's new generation of youth interest in bikes is weigning, with the nasty ones now becoming parents and settling down. Plus 'racers' have always been seen as well gay!
• #17
the rude boys are getting on it with the "fixies". That reminds me, some prick on the kingsland road shouted "nice fixie" in a rather sarcastic manner. People like that can also die plus the term fixie sounds proper gay.
• #18
What's more annoying, the word, not the concept; 'fixie' or 'skinny' jeans?
• #19
"londons famous dangerous london", ha, good one.
• #20
London's glittering East End
• #21
ooh it's got to be 'fixie'. The worst for me currently though is 'credit crunch', shudders. Every time I hear it I want to fucking kick off. I hate hate hate media buzz-wordery.
• #22
Get it alot cycling through The camden Somers Town area.
• #23
London's"vortex of cool."Snoreditch.
• #24
shit this thread is freaking me out. i typed in a thread months ago asking if attacks like this were common and should I just ride a shit bike. Everyone scorned at my thread. But if girls and boys are being attacked for a bike whilst their on it, it kinda highlights some seriously messed up treatment of people in London. I mean I know a cities underbelly and subcultures are what make a city (not tourism and finance strictly) but for sweet scary jesus, I am totally freaked out. And the areas mentioned are the only areas I can afford to live in london. If you do get grabed by youths and fight back with a decent weighted lock, you probably get charged with GBH, or stabbed. So public transport is not safe, cycling, walking, moped. I fucking Love London and feel so thankfull that I have a great city on my door step, but this sounds more dodgy than philadephia and NYC.
• #25
Is somers town around KingsCross? Is it named after a King or Cardinal, ah no wait, a landlord??
No it isn't you fucking cunt. Do any people on the boards here experience ape like rude boys claiming your bike is theirs? Maybe it was some crazy acid trip I was on and imagined I trawled thorugh the net spending over a grand on a bike they don't even know the make of. Shit! Sorry mate, here's your bike back, just mind you don't get hit by that bus you prick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was close to having it nicked last night, just at the top of park hill road in belsize park. A gang of pricks started shouting over at me from some flats behind me, just as I had got off my bike. As I could hear them scrambling down the stairwell, I had to fucking thrash it. Maybe I should stop riding such a flashy looking bike and get myself a good old raliegh lizard or marauder? It's not only unsafe to leave your bike locked up around londopn, you can't even ride the fucker without the risk of some gaylord trying to rob it from you! Burn in hell I say.