i have a thing for pole vaulters (have dated a couple of them). but not every bloke is comfortable having a girlfriend who can bench-press more than his mates.
one of my pole-vaulting ex's weighed about 60kg, could bench about 70-75kg and was very fiery. once we were in a club and some dude made a comment that upset her, so she gave him a shove and sent him flying into a table. good times.
i have a thing for pole vaulters (have dated a couple of them). but not every bloke is comfortable having a girlfriend who can bench-press more than his mates.
one of my pole-vaulting ex's weighed about 60kg, could bench about 70-75kg and was very fiery. once we were in a club and some dude made a comment that upset her, so she gave him a shove and sent him flying into a table. good times.