Good job snowy_again. I was becoming a bit downcast. With weather like today, the pub makes sense, but when Sunday comes, it won't matter what the weather will be, as long as the alcohol is strong, and I'm bringing my own rum (illegally imported from Grenada). I'm fat enough to hide it on my person, so should be okay with the pub staff. It will look like water in a glass. 135% proof, minimum. See you ladies there.
Good job snowy_again. I was becoming a bit downcast. With weather like today, the pub makes sense, but when Sunday comes, it won't matter what the weather will be, as long as the alcohol is strong, and I'm bringing my own rum (illegally imported from Grenada). I'm fat enough to hide it on my person, so should be okay with the pub staff. It will look like water in a glass. 135% proof, minimum. See you ladies there.