Hi Flickwig, this was put together in under 10 mins in illustrator, whilst doing 20 other things, so I never expected it to be perfect and never thought I'd get adopted as a design, I was just playing around.
Drinx is a reference to the Trix/Chix/Dix/Fix theme
Got any cog vectors? I actually didnt count how many teeht it had when building it.
The card (if made) will be folded so you'll never see the lines together, I just drew it that way, also the wavy lines were reference to the kinda shapes people will be making on the way home after a 'few' beers.
Again, rush job is only justification for this.
D :)
i thought the lines reflected those left from skids, much like the mash stuff
i thought the lines reflected those left from skids, much like the mash stuff