Coppers ain't so bad...

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  • If you weren't dragging him down the street then no one would have stopped you. You loved it. As I read the post I imagine a 40+ year old Tory fag! xx

    Ok, this must be parody ! :)

    So your girlfriend is walking home and as she passes a group of four lads gets her tits felt up, when she get's home the extent of your empathy for a woman in this kind of situation is 'You facking love it', you bitch. :D

    Puzzling ? But hey, each to his own !

    On a more bike related note, have you still got that old Peugeot for sale ?

  • can you please post a picture of your bum?

  • @ cg5154 - well done for catching the little tosser.

  • First of all, he did not "do nothing". Perhaps you think it's nothing, which explains why you sound like a chauvinist prick.

    Second of all, nobody believes more than I do that the police overreacted. I had no idea the police would drive past.

    Oh, and this "equal force" you're talking about? I was dragging the kid back to his friends so I could yell at them. Me, a 5'4", 125-lb girl, versus 4 teenage boys. Come talk to me about equal force the next time you dare to confront 4 teenagers in Whitechapel.

    well did the right thing despite what others may say.....i know plenty of girls that would have just walked away and not stood up for themselves.
    be careful who you challenge though, it doesn't always, as im sure you know, end up happy families.

  • don't feel bag cg5154, it's entirely possible this kid was already "known" but they haven't been able to pin anything on's possible, but unlikely this was the first time he behaved like that.

  • can you please post a picture of your bum?

    Does this make my bum look fat??

  • I'm sorry, I didn't realize that a woman wearing skimpy clothing automatically bestows the right for men to sexually harrass her.

    My experience of Chandras alleycat is that being a man in skimpy womans clothing is every bit as likely to get you sexually harassed..

    And cg? Good job grabbing the little tw@t. Sure, its borderline brave/stupid if you think they might have knives, and maybe the police were overreacting as usual, but whatever. Its precisely because we dont try to confront this kind of behaviour as a society that its become so prevalent.

  • shiiiit, looooooookin gooooooood.......

  • In junior high, I used to get hit by teachers at school. Not often, but when it happened... it was because I scored below 80% on a math* quiz. Some of my classmates got beaten a lot more than me because they actually misbehaved. They hated our teacher at the time, but now, every single one of them is grateful to her for having kept them in check.

    I think it's fine to 'pull someone up' about their behaviour as you did with the junior groper. He needs to know it's an infringement on one's person, and be encouraged to empathize in order to get some perspective.

    However, I think this corporal punishment thing is utter bullshit. Was your math* teacher prepared to get hit by his students if he let them down by scoring less than 80% on a staff appraisal?

    Ultimately it just models a destructive behaviour. What is being perpetuated is the situation where someone lashes out when their frustration passes a certain threshold (and this threshold is something that shifts based on not just the act being punished, but a whole load of unconnected external pressures effecting mood).

    I was routinely physically discliplined, and it makes me laugh when people come out with the 'never did me any harm' rhetoric. It fucking did do me some harm, both physically and emotionally in the short-term, and psychologically in the longterm (and I've read enough research on the subject to know that I'm not alone in that). It also tore my family apart, and contributed to a protracted period of me whacking other students at school when they 'frustrated me with behaviour inappropriate to my beliefs'.

    Hitting children (or anyone for that matter) is lazy, ineffective, and sets a dangerous precedent.


  • @cg5154 - I can see why you regret that it escalated so much, but still - good on you for taking the little fool to task. While I don't think that what he did was somehow the beginnings of an inexorable spiral into becoming a knife-toting drug-dealing hoody-wearing Daily Mail nightmare, I do think kids do so much crap these days because they get away with so much, because most people are intimidated by them. So, as I said, good on you for teaching the kid that his actions have consequences.

  • Well i wouldn't say what they did was wrong but in the grand scale of things it sounds more of a stupid act than malicious or sexual.

    Good on you for going after them, cause with the help of the over zealous Police it has made sure this episode will stick in his mind.
    Can I in a mildly joking way refer to you as Tony Martin for the remainder of this thread? ;)

    @Tynan - if some scallys did it to my girlfriend i would treat it for what it was as sometimes its the aggression they react to. i have killed more bad situations by staying calm than raising the bar cause it's often the reaction they want.
    And more often than not i have to apologise to them for Sam's sharp tongue and wit!

  • I threw a nipper in the Thames for trying to have the wheel off my bike. Little fucker couldn't swim so I had to throw him a life ring and drag him out. I think he thought I was a bit of a nutter. I won't go anywhere near the OB not now not never.

  • Well i wouldn't say what they did was wrong but in the grand scale of things it sounds more of a stupid act than malicious or sexual.

    Good on you for going after them, cause with the help of the over zealous Police it has made sure this episode will stick in his mind.
    Can I in a mildly joking way refer to you as Tony Martin for the remainder of this thread? ;)

    @Tynan - if some scallys did it to my girlfriend i would treat it for what it was as sometimes its the aggression they react to. i have killed more bad situations by staying calm than raising the bar cause it's often the reaction they want.
    And more often than not i have to apologise to them for Sam's sharp tongue and wit!

    Nobody's saying that a guy must defend his girl's honor and duel those little turds to the death. But "tee hee hee honey, boys will be boys, it doesn't matter that they groped you, don't mind them" isn't the appropriate response either.

  • I threw a nipper in the Thames for trying to have the wheel off my bike. Little fucker couldn't swim so I had to throw him a life ring and drag him out. I think he thought I was a bit of a nutter. I won't go anywhere near the OB not now not never.

    Brilliant ! :)

  • @Tynan - if some scallys did it to my girlfriend i would treat it for what it was as sometimes its the aggression they react to.

    ? The term* 'treat it for what it was'* is a tautologist mystery to me, I don't know what you mean by this ?

    Also this is not how you would or should react to someone grabbing at you girlfriends bum or tits - it is about her reaction.

    i have killed more bad situations by staying calm than raising the bar cause it's often the reaction they want.
    And more often than not i have to apologise to them for Sam's sharp tongue and wit!

    So someone does this to your girlfriend, she shows her contempt with her sharp tongue and you apologise to them for her ?

    Although this is very magnanimous of you, for this to make any sense to me I would need to swap the you, them and her parts around a little.

    You are right that people can react badly, you might even get hurt, but to not do anything is basically establishing that is fine (in that there is no come back) to grab at women, to grope and so on, it's just a bit of fun and she won't (maybe even shouldn't ?) react.

    Weird stuff.

    I say take each situation as it comes, be flexible and if in doubt kick the little bastard in the shins. :)

  • Good God, in my boarding school groping a girl's bum can result in suspension, maybe even explusion if behaviour presist (imaging how bad it is if a student hit a teacher, one word: police).

    that's should be enough to show that it's not ok to grope random women's bum, we as a society should be civilised with each other, not chauvinised.

    cg5154, well done for actually catching him and teaching him a lesson, they should really learn respect when respect due, seriously I don't think many lass have that courage and determintation enough to teach the little pikey a lesson like you did.

  • jon seems to have turned into a troll. Fuck off back under your bridge, you slimy troll. And take your shitty mercian with you.

  • jon seems to have turned into a troll. Fuck off back under your bridge, you slimy troll. And take your shitty mercian with you.

    it's amazing how a mercian become a shit bike after an evening of trolling.

  • i'm as serious about that post as jon is about his. :)

  • Just a cheeky pinch, similar to the style used for administering salt to ones dinner.

    Burkhas are hot. Watch out for the tan lines though.

    best post of the thread, IMO.

    cg5154: hats off for giving him a good dressing-down. Old school style would have been a handbag walloping - whatever happened to that? Falls into corporal punishment I guess but somehow the old angry handbagging has become timeless yet dated at the same time.

    Vic: not that you have to give a shit but I don't think a kid who slaps a girl's bottom - in a moment of cheekiness or naughtiness - necessarily turns into a rapist. Which I know is not exactly what you said but it was fairly close. I know it's not nice to get your bottom groped or slapped by someone you don't want (an old pissed woman did it to me once and a couple of laughing girls did it - both times I was most put out) but it doesn't mean they're rapist material, that's a much darker thing.

    Not meaning to lessen the indignity cg5154 may have felt at the time or the unacceptability of the action, but.. cg5154 may well be a very cute girl - yes, e'en in her full-length jeans - and have the kind of bottom that mesmerises a young lad. With a bit of dutch courage from your mates and the thrill of the forbidden pounding in your ears, you run up and slap that gorgeous little bottom a nice one. And a world of pain descends on you involving a roundhousing girl, mirthless rozzers and a cell-delivered order of chicken wings. And after the smoke has cleared, you discover you start to associate beautiful girls' bottoms with that adolescent nightmare in the heavy hands of the law. It gets worse: by late teens, when you should be enjoying the first fruits of carnal exploration, you have developed a phobia-like response, recoiling in damp sweats as high-street honies peel off their jeans for you. You stick to kissing them in chairs. And as a full-grown man, your complex has become so ingrained that your every erection subsides at the sight of a round plump rump; your girlfriends leave you for men with sustainable boners; you begin to eschew contact with the opposite sex just so that your shame can be avoided. And your life is a sexless husk and you are ruined.

    I mean I'm just trying to give a scenario from the non-rapist conclusion...

    btw I don't know jonaent but reading this from the start it does look like he may have genuinely thought you were a man posting at first, hence the unsympathetic responses. I guess that's the avatar again.

  • ? The term* 'treat it for what it was'* is a tautologist mystery to me, I don't know what you mean by this ?

    Also this is not how you would or should react to someone grabbing at you girlfriends bum or tits - it is about her reaction.

    So someone does this to your girlfriend, she shows her contempt with her sharp tongue and you apologise to them for her ?

    Although this is very magnanimous of you, for this to make any sense to me I would need to swap the you, them and her parts around a little.

    You are right that people can react badly, you might even get hurt, but to not do anything is basically establishing that is fine (in that there is no come back) to grab at women, to grope and so on, it's just a bit of fun and she won't (maybe even shouldn't ?) react.

    Weird stuff.

    I say take each situation as it comes, be flexible and if in doubt kick the little bastard in the shins. :)

    You say tautologist mystery, i say Tomato ;)

    it was being forum faineant. to idle to discuss at length where the line is drawn, and how it takes the individuals; the surroundings, and the details of the incident to decide if it was innocent or indecent.

    I have a relaxed view of life and tend to look for the good, but there are days when i am pushed to the end of my long fuse. the same incident would get vastly different responses from me in these cases. I have gone from appeasing the ego of a ignorant black youth to slamming a mans head in a car door. i would like to think the youth looked at the way i treated him and realised good people are out there and the mans whos head was smashed with the car door didn't pent up the anger that would have grown inside him!

    I know Sam well enough to judge her reactions, I have also seen her worry the days away after she has overreacted to an incident. I have only appologised when i see it begin to flare, everyone has a catalyst - racism, religion etc etc

    @cg5154 - it's more of a manly chortle than a tee hee and i prefer the term Dame over Honey. ;)

  • ^^ you should maybe get these mood swings looked at. before you become vinnie jones. :)

  • It sounds incredibly harsh
    i know you said you felt upset about it all, but it's hard not to empathize with the kid

    He's just a dumb kid

    ah well, best to get 'em young....and fat

  • it was being forum faineant. to idle to discuss at length where the line is drawn, and how it takes the individuals; the surroundings, and the details of the incident to decide if it was innocent or indecent.

    True, you have got to judge each situation on it's own merits. (kick them all).

    I have a relaxed view of life and tend to look for the good, but there are days when i am pushed to the end of my long fuse. the same incident would get vastly different responses from me in these cases. I have gone from appeasing the ego of a ignorant black youth to slamming a mans head in a car door.

    I have never got this ? Why people need to point out whether someone is black or not ? And almost universally if crime is the subject then black people will be named as such ?

    I am not calling you a racist !! Honest, it is not only you who does this, it comes up so often, and on this forum quite a bit (it is the source of the random parody 'racist' posts) - I just find it very curious.

    The man whose head got squeezed, why did you not describe him as black also ?

    Like I said, no offense meant, but it is a weird social quirk that puzzles me. They do it on the news "A black youth was detained by police" - why the hell would I need (or want) to know his skin colour ?

    i would like to think the youth looked at the way i treated him and realised good people are out there and the mans whos head was smashed with the car door didn't pent up the anger that would have grown inside him!

    It's a win - win ! ;P

    I know Sam well enough to judge her reactions, I have also seen her worry the days away after she has overreacted to an incident. I have only appologised when i see it begin to flare, everyone has a catalyst - racism, religion etc etc

    racist !


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Coppers ain't so bad...

Posted by Avatar for cg5154 @cg5154
