Public transport in this heat is just the worst. saps your very will to live and the pennies you need for your existence!the only answer is a forged Drs note and a bigger bag of grass. gets you out of the tube, work and into the sun.
Saying that my Drs note runs out next week!
If your house mates really cared for you they would re-create the risk of the roads whilst you spin away on the turbo trainer... act like peds and jump in front of you, hit you with wing mirrors. dress as mini cabs, re-create rain.... endless fun!
Public transport in this heat is just the worst. saps your very will to live and the pennies you need for your existence!the only answer is a forged Drs note and a bigger bag of grass. gets you out of the tube, work and into the sun.
Saying that my Drs note runs out next week!
If your house mates really cared for you they would re-create the risk of the roads whilst you spin away on the turbo trainer... act like peds and jump in front of you, hit you with wing mirrors. dress as mini cabs, re-create rain.... endless fun!