Pretty minimal, yeah. Some fancy dimpled Zipp wheels might be worth a couple of seconds during an hour in the wind tunnel, but there's a whole load of other stuff to consider in a competition, mainly whether the rider has good legs on the day. It's true that significant innovations (eg tri-bars) make a huge difference though.
The main reason why these products are used (or pretended to be used) is the cash that the manufacturers give to the teams. The riders themselves could be described in the same way that Alfred Hitchcock described actors: cattle.
Pretty minimal, yeah. Some fancy dimpled Zipp wheels might be worth a couple of seconds during an hour in the wind tunnel, but there's a whole load of other stuff to consider in a competition, mainly whether the rider has good legs on the day. It's true that significant innovations (eg tri-bars) make a huge difference though.
The main reason why these products are used (or pretended to be used) is the cash that the manufacturers give to the teams. The riders themselves could be described in the same way that Alfred Hitchcock described actors: cattle.