35 people. 75 miles. On the road for 8.5 hours. Top speed of 34mph. In 27 degree heat. I drank 6 litres of water, probably could have done with 1 or 2 more.
Absolutely awesome day. Apart from the minor stack at the beginning, I can honestly say I loved every minute of that ride. And Cambridge was fantastic. So many cute girls on bikes!
Thanks to everyone for making the ride. We may have been going too fast or too slow for some, we may have taken too long and got lost a bit too often, but that's all part of a group ride, and I'll take that over slogging it out on my own for 75 miles any day.
Here's some numbers:
35 people. 75 miles. On the road for 8.5 hours. Top speed of 34mph. In 27 degree heat. I drank 6 litres of water, probably could have done with 1 or 2 more.
Absolutely awesome day. Apart from the minor stack at the beginning, I can honestly say I loved every minute of that ride. And Cambridge was fantastic. So many cute girls on bikes!
Thanks to everyone for making the ride. We may have been going too fast or too slow for some, we may have taken too long and got lost a bit too often, but that's all part of a group ride, and I'll take that over slogging it out on my own for 75 miles any day.
Bring on the next one.