woopdee fucking dooo! the council has spent a bunch of money on a completely rubbish bike path along the drive in hove (dunno if any of you have seen it). it's one of those lanes that are seperated from the road by a row of parking spaces. in theory... good. in brighton...a fucking haven for idiot drivers.
i was talking to my friend the other day how it is stupid, because it's the only bike path like this in brighton, so drivers are obviously not going to even realise that the path exists and just pull out without even looking...
and sure enough, i was on my way to meet some friends for a ride this evening and some idiot pulls into the lane without looking and the next thing i know i'm over the bonnet. luckily i just have a bruised shoulder and my front wheel needs truing.
this path is fucking stupid and i advise you all not to use it.
p.s. sorry for the rant. i'm just angry and in pain. x
woopdee fucking dooo! the council has spent a bunch of money on a completely rubbish bike path along the drive in hove (dunno if any of you have seen it). it's one of those lanes that are seperated from the road by a row of parking spaces. in theory... good. in brighton...a fucking haven for idiot drivers.
i was talking to my friend the other day how it is stupid, because it's the only bike path like this in brighton, so drivers are obviously not going to even realise that the path exists and just pull out without even looking...
and sure enough, i was on my way to meet some friends for a ride this evening and some idiot pulls into the lane without looking and the next thing i know i'm over the bonnet. luckily i just have a bruised shoulder and my front wheel needs truing.
this path is fucking stupid and i advise you all not to use it.
p.s. sorry for the rant. i'm just angry and in pain. x