However, in the autumn there was a fucking white van driver who cut me off 4 days in a row at the same point (we seemed to have identical schedules) on my route to work, with him ending by giving me the finger and yelling wanker. Well the 5th day in a row I saw him coming and punched the side of his van - dented van and I've never seen him again. That's about as violent as I've been - even the person who caused me to break my hand, I was relatively subdued.
I generally give the finger and leave it at that.
However, in the autumn there was a fucking white van driver who cut me off 4 days in a row at the same point (we seemed to have identical schedules) on my route to work, with him ending by giving me the finger and yelling wanker. Well the 5th day in a row I saw him coming and punched the side of his van - dented van and I've never seen him again. That's about as violent as I've been - even the person who caused me to break my hand, I was relatively subdued.