On a walk back from whittington's, heading up Archway road, a white golf came screaming to halt as I hit the turning to the GUM clinic (it was for a mate...) this little black kid (Wright-Phillips with a bad upbringing and badder tracksuit) comes screaming out the car with a 8" blade.
He runs across the road and starts on this cyclist, who jumps off the bike keeping his distance (with a bit of soft hand air kung fo, bit like the old dancing to progressive house?)
Well this knife wielding nipper then proceeds to slash the types, seat and hack the frame, kicking 7 bales out of it. After some Jeremy Kyle style rants; two mates by his side, he decides to pick the bike up and stick it in the car and fk off.
I walked over the cyclist to see if he is alright and it turns out the Golf drove across his line on Holloway road hitting him. the cyclist pulls up alongside at the lights, rests his hand on the window sill and points out how they nearly killed him.
Sean Wright decides he shouldn't touch his car and tries to teach him a lesson; chasing him 2 miles and trying to stab him!?
On a walk back from whittington's, heading up Archway road, a white golf came screaming to halt as I hit the turning to the GUM clinic (it was for a mate...) this little black kid (Wright-Phillips with a bad upbringing and badder tracksuit) comes screaming out the car with a 8" blade.
He runs across the road and starts on this cyclist, who jumps off the bike keeping his distance (with a bit of soft hand air kung fo, bit like the old dancing to progressive house?)
Well this knife wielding nipper then proceeds to slash the types, seat and hack the frame, kicking 7 bales out of it. After some Jeremy Kyle style rants; two mates by his side, he decides to pick the bike up and stick it in the car and fk off.
I walked over the cyclist to see if he is alright and it turns out the Golf drove across his line on Holloway road hitting him. the cyclist pulls up alongside at the lights, rests his hand on the window sill and points out how they nearly killed him.
Sean Wright decides he shouldn't touch his car and tries to teach him a lesson; chasing him 2 miles and trying to stab him!?
Fking cyclists!!