RPM, you of all people should understand the meaning of the abbreviation HTFU.
I stayed up all night, got in some killer games of assasin's creed, ordered 12 dildos (no really, I did) and STILL managed to get to the start by 7 on the dot.
Guys that was a freaking awesome ride - great to meet you claus & will, also real nice to see you again henry (and those crazy handlebars). This should definitely become an annual fixture - cycling down the wrong side of the road, through a red light, TOWARDS a policeman to be greeted by nothing but perplexed smiles. Fantastic.
Shame about getting stopped at the last 385 yards though!!
Chris - on the topic of art, what exactly do you think i'm going to do with the 12 dildos? :)
RPM, you of all people should understand the meaning of the abbreviation HTFU.
I stayed up all night, got in some killer games of assasin's creed, ordered 12 dildos (no really, I did) and STILL managed to get to the start by 7 on the dot.
Guys that was a freaking awesome ride - great to meet you claus & will, also real nice to see you again henry (and those crazy handlebars). This should definitely become an annual fixture - cycling down the wrong side of the road, through a red light, TOWARDS a policeman to be greeted by nothing but perplexed smiles. Fantastic.
Shame about getting stopped at the last 385 yards though!!
Chris - on the topic of art, what exactly do you think i'm going to do with the 12 dildos? :)