• #102
• #103
I'm in as well, definitely up for paying last respects to Sheldon.
I've added the event to Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/454840/
• #104
fliery goodness.
• #105
so who's leading then?
someone who's already memorised the route and will definitely turn up, rain or shine.
who here takes this full horn and mantle, so he may lead the valiant charge?
• #106
oh yeah, some one do that, as i wont be back :(
• #107
you want people to 'bring' an eagle or birng one?
and to 'Speakers Corner' not spearkers
• #108
I'm gonna birng my eagle all night long
• #109
• #110
Going to come along but some mates might want to come along on non-fixed-but in their mind to be so soon but would still like to show respect to the man who's website will stilll hope to inspire in the future. Hope they'll feel welcome? even if their not on some italian track frame.
• #111
every one is welcome.
• #112
I'm not on an Italian track frame, can I come?
I have only got this Japanese one..
Everyone is almost always welcome on anything at any FGSS thing, this ride will be cross-forum as well.
A veritable panoply of cycling. -
• #113
i'll most likely be there possibly with a few others, too. one comment about the flier tho - can you fix the dates, please? this ride is in the UK and a some people may be confused by the north american version of the dates... ie, it should be 14/7/1944 - 3/2/2008
• #114
stupid english and their back wards dates....
• #115
And can we 'honour' him too?
• #116
you spell honour with a u? cant you lot just be normal?
• #117
• #118
chris crash fixed
thanks... but, er, where?
• #119
d0cA [quote]chris crash fixed
thanks... but, er, where?[/quote]
now fixed
• #120
dates are still wrong on the flyer above
• #121
i think i broke my image hosting, they are right on the file on my computer... i think i have to meny things called sheldon flier.
• #122
It was parkinsons he died from? is there some way we can get a whip round or the like for the british association or something make it fun but also useful. if i'm wrong sorry. but be good to get some good light for us and his memory?
• #123
multiple sclerosis according to the times obit, i think it was (read it earlier)
• #124
actually, correct that: says he died of a heart attack although he had MS.
• #125
bollocks i'm going to be in newcastle on the 6th... darnit
I'd love to be there, but cant.
Anyone doing a ride in Liverpool/Manchester area?