You can't back up an "All coppers are cunts..." type statement by citing an example of some copper you know. That's crap.
You might not like it, and you might not agree with the law, but if everybody on a bike jumped red lights all the time it would be chaos. And if nobody on a bike jumped a red light ever, the police would have to go out and look for other ways to improve the crime figures and raise some revenue; like fining motorists on the phone etc.
You can't back up an "All coppers are cunts..." type statement by citing an example of some copper you know. That's crap.
You might not like it, and you might not agree with the law, but if everybody on a bike jumped red lights all the time it would be chaos. And if nobody on a bike jumped a red light ever, the police would have to go out and look for other ways to improve the crime figures and raise some revenue; like fining motorists on the phone etc.