It seems to me like someone's trying to turn cycling, fixed wheel cycling in particular, into some elitist past-time; normal i.e poor people can have one of his oldkuntroad bikes, while the better people will probably be recommended a nice "cheap-to-those-that-can-afford-it" Witcomb.
I know that bikes in general go from the pathetically cheap to the ludicrously expensive, but at least you get what you pay for. With this lot it sounds like you just get a load of social-climbing reward points and an over-priced bike.
I think he should be kicked in the bollocks, he's making a mockery of cyclists.
It seems to me like someone's trying to turn cycling, fixed wheel cycling in particular, into some elitist past-time; normal i.e poor people can have one of his oldkuntroad bikes, while the better people will probably be recommended a nice "cheap-to-those-that-can-afford-it" Witcomb.
I know that bikes in general go from the pathetically cheap to the ludicrously expensive, but at least you get what you pay for. With this lot it sounds like you just get a load of social-climbing reward points and an over-priced bike.
I think he should be kicked in the bollocks, he's making a mockery of cyclists.