thanks for another great night ladies, i can trackstand! woot!
had a complete bitch of a ride home in a 20mph headwind, then got hit by the puncture fairy, luckily it was only 5 mins from my house so I can be thankful for small mercies..was so knackered I had to stop for a doughnut and some chocolate milk to regain my composure..jeez!
Estelle I will post the video's of your spectacular tricks/crashes shortly.
Rox, I might be around Sunday if you fancy a mallet building session, let me know when you have the rest of the materials (bolts, drills etc)
right, off to buy more El wire - so will have more at a few quid a pop for who wants them
thanks for another great night ladies, i can trackstand! woot!
had a complete bitch of a ride home in a 20mph headwind, then got hit by the puncture fairy, luckily it was only 5 mins from my house so I can be thankful for small mercies..was so knackered I had to stop for a doughnut and some chocolate milk to regain my composure..jeez!
Estelle I will post the video's of your spectacular tricks/crashes shortly.
Rox, I might be around Sunday if you fancy a mallet building session, let me know when you have the rest of the materials (bolts, drills etc)
right, off to buy more El wire - so will have more at a few quid a pop for who wants them