@hippy - yeah, I've still got my inbred for round town, child-bearing, and once-in-a-blue-moon off road fixed. It's got a rack, and some UPVC material bungeed on as a mudguard, plus 'readers' wives' style gaffa tape to further block water, cos one thing it's lacking is decent mudguard fixing points... not that you're into that kind of practicality. The rear brake's adjusted so that it doesn't really reach the rim with the barrel adjuster screwed in (for normal riding), but I can get it to function when I'm carrying Tynan on the back (when I also have to drop the psi from about 60 to closer to 40). TMI.
Was tempted to use it for the Brighton run, but 56cm bars aren't that sociable :S
@hippy - yeah, I've still got my inbred for round town, child-bearing, and once-in-a-blue-moon off road fixed. It's got a rack, and some UPVC material bungeed on as a mudguard, plus 'readers' wives' style gaffa tape to further block water, cos one thing it's lacking is decent mudguard fixing points... not that you're into that kind of practicality. The rear brake's adjusted so that it doesn't really reach the rim with the barrel adjuster screwed in (for normal riding), but I can get it to function when I'm carrying Tynan on the back (when I also have to drop the psi from about 60 to closer to 40). TMI.
Was tempted to use it for the Brighton run, but 56cm bars aren't that sociable :S