23s or 25s will fit your rims. Personal preference really. Unless you're racing, or a whippet, I'd probably choose 25s for round town riding. Slightly bigger contact patch can help in the wet, you can run them 10-20psi lower which irons out bumpy roads, and according to some sources, rolling resistance is slightly less.
Then again, might be worth trying 23s (as you've not ridden them) to get some personal experience :)
23s or 25s will fit your rims. Personal preference really. Unless you're racing, or a whippet, I'd probably choose 25s for round town riding. Slightly bigger contact patch can help in the wet, you can run them 10-20psi lower which irons out bumpy roads, and according to some sources, rolling resistance is slightly less.
Then again, might be worth trying 23s (as you've not ridden them) to get some personal experience :)