one thing i've noticed about this thread, is that it isn't really a 'spotted' thread, as in - "hey turd, i saw you, you need brakes, nice bike", more of a sort of fixed gear missed connections.
"me, geeky guy on the NYC langster, riding along... you: cute chick on the london langster, showing some leg, our eyes met, then you met that truck, i helped you put your face back on, looked for your index finger in the gutter and waited for the ambulance, call me...please?" etc...
one thing i've noticed about this thread, is that it isn't really a 'spotted' thread, as in - "hey turd, i saw you, you need brakes, nice bike", more of a sort of fixed gear missed connections.
"me, geeky guy on the NYC langster, riding along... you: cute chick on the london langster, showing some leg, our eyes met, then you met that truck, i helped you put your face back on, looked for your index finger in the gutter and waited for the ambulance, call me...please?" etc...