It should be law here too Wisey, I crashed on the way home tonight, wheels went from underneath me when overtaking a bus, smacked my helmet on the floor with enough force to smash it, if it had been my bare head I would at least be in hospital now, maybe in the morgue. Thing is I wasn't even turning sharply, no drain covers, no idea why it happened and it happened so quickly that I couldn't even put a hand out or anything. It has really made me think of the very rare occassion when I don't wear it, to the point where there will no longer be rare occassions like that. Brain injury is not fun by all accounts.
It should be law here too Wisey, I crashed on the way home tonight, wheels went from underneath me when overtaking a bus, smacked my helmet on the floor with enough force to smash it, if it had been my bare head I would at least be in hospital now, maybe in the morgue. Thing is I wasn't even turning sharply, no drain covers, no idea why it happened and it happened so quickly that I couldn't even put a hand out or anything. It has really made me think of the very rare occassion when I don't wear it, to the point where there will no longer be rare occassions like that. Brain injury is not fun by all accounts.