Of course, having grown up in the area I would pick the "rustic" options - so if anyone follows the above they'd expect lots of pretty villages, a few deviations down farm tracks, the springs at Ashwell, a fine view of Wimpole Hall, a fast run into town, swinging round the cyclists classic Garret Hostel lane, the famous view along the Backs, Grantchester Meadows (footpath/cyclepath), some probably-navigable dirt roads, the infamous Chapel Hill (where I got my climbers legs from), the rather shitty Edge of Essex, and a slow bumpy cruise along the Lea Valley towpath.
Hmm. Yes, I am a bit of a bastard.
Anyway, I'll have to check and see if I'm around on the 26th before I say any more :-)
OK so I was playing around with possible routes, just trying to include some of the highlights and fun stuff on the way...
Of course, having grown up in the area I would pick the "rustic" options - so if anyone follows the above they'd expect lots of pretty villages, a few deviations down farm tracks, the springs at Ashwell, a fine view of Wimpole Hall, a fast run into town, swinging round the cyclists classic Garret Hostel lane, the famous view along the Backs, Grantchester Meadows (footpath/cyclepath), some probably-navigable dirt roads, the infamous Chapel Hill (where I got my climbers legs from), the rather shitty Edge of Essex, and a slow bumpy cruise along the Lea Valley towpath.
Hmm. Yes, I am a bit of a bastard.
Anyway, I'll have to check and see if I'm around on the 26th before I say any more :-)