you sort of get a whole spectrum of weather in a single day.
it's been like this for the whole week basically, if not the whole 3 months we've been through.
none of us know what to expect even, it was perfectly sunny this morning when i went to work and just now i was skidding around like mad in the wet i need to buy a new tyre tomorrow.
kym, i'd like to go over to NYC for a bit to be honest! especially when the weather's better and 1GBP = 2USD!
you sort of get a whole spectrum of weather in a single day.
it's been like this for the whole week basically, if not the whole 3 months we've been through.
none of us know what to expect even, it was perfectly sunny this morning when i went to work and just now i was skidding around like mad in the wet i need to buy a new tyre tomorrow.
kym, i'd like to go over to NYC for a bit to be honest! especially when the weather's better and 1GBP = 2USD!