• #102
mmmm beer!
( http://www.caledonian-brewery.co.uk/ipa_home.html )
Deuchars IPA (India Pale Ale) has proven to be instantly quaffable - quenching the thirsts of beer judges, beer fanatics and beer lovers all over Britain.
I'm liking this one as well, ginger beer without the sweetness, but with the alcohol
haven't seen it lately though, maybe I should order online with 'badger direct'? -
• #103
sorry, unwritten rules of riding fixed:
we are all like monkeys, ready to be shot into space.
Space monkeys! Ready to be sacrificed for the greater good. -
• #104
• #105
Spacebats dave...
• #106
just to chim in again, i hate red stripe. whatever my mates say. too sweet!!
• #107
Red Stripe should only be drunk out of wobbly plastic glasses in the sun at rubbish free music "festivals".
• #108
Cans of redstripe + outdoors in the sunshine = happy days
Perhaps because it always reminds me of the Notting Hill Carnival...
• #109
I hate the Notting Hill Carnival. Crowd was full of twats more intent on charging/crushing other people than enjoying the music.
• #110
No matter how much you knock the Red stripe, it is alway infintely prefferable to Carling. I love how they put on the cans "Pride of Britain" more like Shame of Britain...
• #111
photoben No matter how much you knock the Red stripe, it is alway infintely prefferable to Carling. I love how they put on the cans "Pride of Britain" more like Shame of Britain...
red stripe, carling, carlsberg, fosters etc are all shit. i have more respect for the tramp in the street drinking kestrel.
but corona - just unforgiveable
• #112
Essential reference material:
• #113
Kestrel - sweet. Though it's all about Amsterdam Maximator. 11% I believe.
Dammit I was seaching for ages for that link!
• #114
kowalski Essential reference material:
^nice! kestrel is the daddy but its makers are to stop producing it soon so grab it while you can. crest used to be another good one weighing in at 10%
• #115
Does this mean that it's time for a quick ride to the Wenlock Arms, then? Real beer and proper flat cider with bits of rat floating in it. Lovely!
• #116
when i really think about it, you're right about the ale not sitting in your stomach. oh well, hasn't stopped me yet!
One delicacy I've sorely missed is newcastle brown ale ON TAP. you can only get it in one pub in newcastle (the Trent House - if you ever find yourself in newcastle I'd recommend paying it a visit.)
Now you're all probably going to verbally execute me but i can't get enough of newcy brown. epecially on tap. i've been drunk off it more than almost anything else.
Sam smiths isnt the best lager/ale in the world but come ON, where can you get a better pint for less money on any given day of the week??? speaking as a student remember.
• #117
hahahahaha i'm loving it this has become the beer thread!!!
honest, i've only started tasting ale not too long ago not being an englishman myself. i'm learning, and what i do know is that most of the stuff they serve everywhere is no-no. the only place i know where i can get hobgoblins is the pub round borough market but i dont often get to stop there.
lager is definitely sam smith alpine because it's cheap and it's pretty much the only alternative i can find to the likes of you know what. when they serve it draught and i can afford it budvar is the bomb i always put my nose up on my mates who order the american budweiser - i even stop talking to them until they finish their bloody drink!
going to try IPA next time. been itching to try it for a while.
apart from corona, worst ones i've ever tried has got to be brahmas and desperado.
• #118
^funnily enough you can get hobgoblin on draught at the hobgoblin pubs in new cross, forest hill and herne hill iam jv but iam at marks house and i cant be bothered to log out
• #119
ah. those aren't the places i normally go to. i dont even know there's a hobgoblin pub! thanks jv
• #120
sweet work japanese brethren.
• #121
Can't say I'm with you on the hobgoblin, but Budvar over watered down piss Budweiser everytime. Have you tried the Budvar Black? Keep meaning to try it out.
Newcy Brown is totaly underrated. asm, if you can find anywhen in the smoke that sell it on draft we'll have to go for a pint.
• #122
someone told me that budvar had the most sugar of any lager - which turned me off it a little bit to be honest.
budvar dark which is pleasantly crisp and malty is available from the pub at the top of marchmont street wc1 bloomsbury, i forget the name of the boozer sorry
• #123
Second the Wenlock, best pub in London and the quiz on Thursday night, run by the Fat Controller, is a must do.
Also, pickled eggs on the bar. Any pub without them cannot compete.
• #124
jv someone told me that budvar had the most sugar of any lager - which turned me off it a little bit to be honest.
budvar dark which is pleasantly crisp and malty is available from the pub at the top of marchmont street wc1 bloomsbury, i forget the name of the boozer sorry
Interesting, lived round there for over 4 years and never been into that pub. Think I may have to now. It's called the Lord John Russell or something, I think? Unless you mean Mabel's tavern?
• #125
completely forgot the name. its right at the north end of the street with benches outside, opposite an italian sandwich joint. the pub aint all that but they have budvar dark on draught. its my favourite place to sit outside a boozer in the whole city. you're lucky to live round there
with you on the deuchars IPA, nice summer drink.
I like my cider, but very few pubs in London do proper cider, only this magners cr@p.