I'm a bit puzzled really why people want to do couriering part time :S
It's bloody hard work, dangerous and there is little work available because of faxing, faster net connections etc...
If people are that desperate for money work part time in a shop or something, get paid £5.35+ per hour and ride to and from work every day instead. Then go out again in the evening!
Btw, I've never been a messenger and never will be. I ride to a) stay healthy b) tinker with my bike c) get about easily and d) vent aggression and stress!
I'm a bit puzzled really why people want to do couriering part time :S
It's bloody hard work, dangerous and there is little work available because of faxing, faster net connections etc...
If people are that desperate for money work part time in a shop or something, get paid £5.35+ per hour and ride to and from work every day instead. Then go out again in the evening!
Btw, I've never been a messenger and never will be. I ride to a) stay healthy b) tinker with my bike c) get about easily and d) vent aggression and stress!