RPM [quote]Build The rant is, I went to the BRICK lane party, 7 People were there. They left. Myself and MA3K came upstairs 2 mins later all 7 of them where up there, ulnocking etc...
The deal is; My front wheel was finger tight, Someone was mid flight on my wheels when WE came up!!!!
In Short one of those cuntz tried to steal my wheels.
Then that truly is a sad state of affairs.
But is it not possible that a thief had been at your wheel before the other people went to unlock?[/quote]
I'm afraid not. I rode from my home straight there.
Then that truly is a sad state of affairs.
But is it not possible that a thief had been at your wheel before the other people went to unlock?[/quote]
I'm afraid not. I rode from my home straight there.