• The Google Pixel page does have the option to compare 3 phones.
    The 8Pro is currently not discounted, meaning the 9 is better value.

    I'm still sore that I needed* to buy a replacement phone just before a Pixel launch.
    This 6a was within a couple of weeks was worth £100 less.
    (* Moto G5G went for a swim in the River Pinn.
    it did eventually dry out, but I 'needed' a phone for the next day).

  • Yeah I looked at "on the page" comparisons but half of it is stuff like what chip they have where I can't tell the difference! Or at least, I might be able to work out what's better but have no idea what it will feel like...

    Weirdly if I go pro Google is £100 more expensive than loads of places (inc eg John Lewis). £900 pro or c.£600 for the non-pro 9 (or more like £450 for the 8)
