• #68827
The simple way to see if road frame is any good is to look at the dropouts - if they are flat steel with no screw adjusters, like these, then it's CRAP. Good frames have cast dropouts, with a makers name (Campag, Shimano, Colnago etc,) cast into them. Also, mudguard holes do not appear on quality race bikes. There are plenty of exceptions, but those rules will get you started.
• #68828
A bit yes. Also unclear if shimano body as he writes 9-10 speed when the campagnolo body would go to 11….
Would prefer Hyperons - and can probably be had for half the price!
• #68829
No idea if this is legit. https://www.facebook.com/share/1BKE5mMjET/?mibextid=wwXIfr
• #68830
Looks way too crude for a Ciocc
I agree, I've owned a few Ciocc frames over the years, and the seat stays / seat post join looks nothing like any of them I've had.
I might be off, but I don't remember any ever having lugged forks like those either, and certainly never mudguard mounts on the frame of the forks.
(caveat, could have just been the ones I had)
• #68831
Usual eBay hyperbole nonsense: "almost mint" and "barely used" etc.
"One half of the top cross strap clasp is missing" (No photo showing this, of course...)
Probably worth sending them an offer for £120 / £130.
I have two already so don't need another.
• #68832
This has been on my watchlist and the seller sent an offer of £40.
Raleigh m trax ti f and f
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204956514572?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=EAygNnXQSbi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Cm7mxiHYSR6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY -
• #68833
Looks like a nice workshop.
• #68834
Large Roberts in Harrow
• #68835
This Genesis Brixton looks a great commuter for the money https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256771230587?
• #68836
Watch out for Alfine hubs, they have a design flaw in that if the DS bearing get's dry/rusty there is no way to fix it. I can't believe it's not a well known issue, I've seen 50% (of about 20) die this way.
• #68837
Didn’t know! Shame as IG for non rohloff money would be great for low maintenance riding
• #68838
Cheap fixed gear.
Might have some toe overlap
• #68839
Full brake housing guides on the top tube, pressed steel dropouts, cheap lugs and fork crown? All from an era before 653 was even introduced. Ciocc, my arse.
• #68840
Are they bent or just backwards?
Edit: no, with where the brake hole lines up is completely out.
Still how overbuilt is the frame to sustain that?
• #68841
Yup, the main bearing ring gets pitted way too easily and ruins the hub. The seals are garbage, water gets into the hub and stays there. I’m seen some hubs that look they’ve been lubed with mud. Shame, because the gear internals are more or less bulletproof.
• #68842
"riding into something in the park?" -what? A f@&king wall?
• #68843
Rhino. In safari park
• #68844
I have one of these, got it a couple of years ago off fleabay, unused and heavily discounted and it's been great as a daily commuter. Is there any way to protect or mitigate the design issues? Thanks
• #68845
The best way is to service it regularly. This mostly involves removing the internals and bathing them in the specific Shimano oil bath. In London I’d say do this at least yearly.
The real issue is with the main bearing on the drive side. The bearing race is built into the ring body and isn’t replaceable, and it this which seems to wear out and gets pitted. It’ll still work but it’ll sound like shite.
• #68846
Didn’t Sheldon Brown drill a hole in the hub body to be able to oil a nexus/ Alfine easily, old sturmey style.
How is the servicing? It looks to be a bit of a specialist tool pain.
• #68847
The only specialist tool you need is a large ring spanner to remove the plastic lock ring. Remove this, and the NDS lock nut and cone, the the whole internal body can be removed from the shell. A good clean of the internals and the inside of the shell, followed by a thorough lubing of the internals by an oil bath, is all it needs.
• #68848
These frames were £4,400 (rrp) new. Full build yours for £550. And he’s accepting offers. Would make a serious crit weapon.
1 Attachment
• #68849
If its real - there were a lot of these floating round aliexpress a few years back.
• #68850
These frames were £4,400 (rrp) new. Full build yours for £550. And he’s accepting offers. Would make a serious crit weapon.
The seller doesn't mention the frameset brand anywhere. It's a fake (and they are aware).
Looks way too crude for a Ciocc, or any decent frame IMHO. Are those pressed dropouts?