It's called a charge card. You can use it as a credit card if you don't mind about paying the 700%. But nobody does. They arrange to get the balance automatically paid from their bank account every month.
Charge cards were useful when travelling in the 70s and 80s. Amex and Diners Club were the main ones. Debit cards didn't exist and credit card networks were new and still growing. At home everyone paid by cheque in restaurants and shops. But cheques weren't accepted abroad. You'd have to carry cash or use a charge card.
Charge cards were never popular with merchants because they charged a huge commission - 2.5% or so. Maybe 4%. Debit cards charged much less - 1%, 1.5% or something. So debit cards should have made charge cards extinct long ago. I suspect Amex has survived because it has a wanky concierge service and is perceived as a status symbol by the trashy rich.
It's called a charge card. You can use it as a credit card if you don't mind about paying the 700%. But nobody does. They arrange to get the balance automatically paid from their bank account every month.
Charge cards were useful when travelling in the 70s and 80s. Amex and Diners Club were the main ones. Debit cards didn't exist and credit card networks were new and still growing. At home everyone paid by cheque in restaurants and shops. But cheques weren't accepted abroad. You'd have to carry cash or use a charge card.
Charge cards were never popular with merchants because they charged a huge commission - 2.5% or so. Maybe 4%. Debit cards charged much less - 1%, 1.5% or something. So debit cards should have made charge cards extinct long ago. I suspect Amex has survived because it has a wanky concierge service and is perceived as a status symbol by the trashy rich.