user @amey used Resi and I think liked them
my sister used Arkiplan and didn't get much out of them
She then used thetwoarchitects.com (via a @dbr recommendation) and was really pleased with themin her case, they had a small loft extension that was constrained by being in a conservation area, and Arkiplan I think knocked out a cookie cutter design, whereas TTA tweaked stair placement a little, looked at pocket doors at the foot of the stair rather than the top to give the room at the top a more open feel, positioned another discreet skylight to get some light through the rest of the house etc.
basically TTA seemed to come up with a tailored plan and arkiplan seemed to just click on the 'small loft' template and forward that on
Anyone used Resi/Arkiplan or the like for their extension plans etc. Any positive experiences? Ta