Not fussed on vegan-ness, probably prefer leather actually as I have a perhaps outdated idea that leather shoes last better than non leather options.
Actually went and tried on some Birks to get my size and was seriously thinking of getting Tokios but I refuse to pay 'normal' shop prices (£110-150) for them when catering and medical apparel stores have them for <£80, of course they are all out of stock of my size right now.
The Duckfeet Lolland could work, the Mols are maybe a bit feminine looking for my taste. Looks like they do ship to the UK, for free actually.
I think I'm going to hold out for Woods getting a restock on the mountain clogs but there is a chance that by the time they do it'll be too cold and wet for them. I've worn socks with my Tevas a few times this week and last and that's been good for the cold, it's due to be pissing down when I'm riding home today though so went with shoes for coverage.
They were very close to fitting but at the price I want them to be perfect.