@dancing james curious to hear if you also think it requires seasoning!
My coffee tastes different every brew, which I hope will get more consistent over time. Unless the Philos is revealing little mistakes in my brewing that my old hand grinder had covered. I do the following:
- 15g coffee to 250g water
- water is taken straight from boiling point
- ceramic V60 is pre-heated during boiling water
- 50g water to bloom for 30s, followed by random swirling
- 200g water at roughly 5g/s, finished with random swirling
The latter is the most inconsistent as I'm just trying to hit 25g every 5 seconds. But coffee is not so sensitive that it should make my coffee taste noticeably different right?
- 15g coffee to 250g water
Customs note from UPS on my Philos- I’m expecting roughly 25% of the purchase price in tax and duty, interested to see the total cost