How long is the route file? Don't think any of my units have ever taken that long the calculate a course.
The Virtual Cunt is still effecting their units. I've just got myself a 1040 Solar but haven't used it yet (nothing like using brand new tech on a big ride in the mountains) but I wonder if that prick still exists?
Normally only single day, double digit km rides. I had turned off all auto featuresso it should have been literally just loading the GPX points onto a map, but for some reason it was always deathly slow.
How long is the route file? Don't think any of my units have ever taken that long the calculate a course.
The Virtual Cunt is still effecting their units. I've just got myself a 1040 Solar but haven't used it yet (nothing like using brand new tech on a big ride in the mountains) but I wonder if that prick still exists?