Me too!!! Back in the late 90s I was flying into Houston on the way to Memphis and our approach was delayed while a storm went through. Apparently SEVEN tornadoes had touched down around the airport in a mini outbreak, Of course I didn't see a fucking thing.
Another time the ex and I drove through a storm in North Mississippi that I was certain was going to kill us. Driving at night, zero visibility, car was being tossed around by crazy straight line winds, it was amazing. We were trying to find our way to Junior Kimbrough's Juke Joint so nothing was gonna stop us. This was in the days before GPS and all that other useful shit, just an X on a crappy road map and a torch. It was a great night.
I recently missed a waterspout here in QLD, touched down a few hundred metres from my fucking house, I was gutted.
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Wow! I've always wanted to go to the great planes and see the storms and tornados