My politics teacher was very proud of his criminal record, he rattled Thatcher with an egg
Buying groceries in Ramsgate one Saturday morning, came across fucking Thatcher doing some gladhanding at a rally for Jonathan Aitken, round about the time he did bird. Found a group of SWP protestors to hang and chant with, and she was getting within range of the eggs in my shopping bag, and I was steeling myself to throw. Just then, one of the SWPs made a break and tried to rush the cordon.
Three or four of the other SWPs chased him, took him out, cuffed and arrested him. Pig infiltrators the lot of them. Went home and made an omelette.
My politics teacher was very proud of his criminal record, he rattled Thatcher with an egg, I believe everyone should have a right to voice their opinion even a wet sock like Farage.
Also believe if your opinion warrants a milkshake to the face you get a milkshake to the face.
It is a bit of a grey area though because theirs always cunts who think violence is then acceptable.