Given the @Sküllycunt thread got locked I need some advice. Am considering going to a festival this year. There is the option to rent a yurt there but for the money I am wondering if I should just buy a big tent I can stand in and a large inflatable mattress.
Any forum approved tents with standing room for cunts who like to be ripped off at festivals. (Though I will be getting AAA pass food all weekend so not really being ripped off).
Given the @Skülly cunt thread got locked I need some advice. Am considering going to a festival this year. There is the option to rent a yurt there but for the money I am wondering if I should just buy a big tent I can stand in and a large inflatable mattress.
Any forum approved tents with standing room for cunts who like to be ripped off at festivals. (Though I will be getting AAA pass food all weekend so not really being ripped off).