To try to calculate the lines to mm's when a frame of ball leaving boot either side can make a difference either way is ridiculous.
Offside should be judged on the position of players at the beginning of the contact with the ball:
A player in an offside position at the moment the ball is played or touched* by a team-mate is only penalised on becoming involved in active play by:
*The first point of contact of the ‘play’ or ‘touch’ of the ball should be used.But, yes, the same problem still occurs as judging which exact frame that the first point of contact is made is still tricky.
In maths this is known as a sensitivity problem. A small change in one of the inputs can result in a large change in the outcome.
If we say it is 3 frames (at 60Hz) then that's 1/20th of a second.
1/20th of a second of a striker running at 10 meters per second will be 50cm.
VAR should have taken this into account and only ruled for obvious situations. Any doubt (including considering error) and they should default to letting the goal stand.
But then I think the game would be better without it completely.
If we lose McKenna I think we're fucked - what he's been able to do is get the best out of the existing players and only add players who fit his system - I feel like a new manager having to implement a new system and recruit for the Premier League is going to have too much to do.
Just have to hope McKenna thinks that Brighton are too similar a proposition to Ipswich with less reward, and United/Chelsea are coming a bit too soon. A decent season with Ipswich would hugely improve his stock and his next step could be even bigger.
Refereeing was poor and VAR fucking useless. To try to calculate the lines to mm's when a frame of ball leaving boot either side can make a difference either way is ridiculous.
Add also the preposterous handball rule.
From a Villa POV it was an amazing season, but overall a shame the promoted sides couldn't make more of an impression. Plus the points deduction shenanigans. But in the end I think most clubs finished in pretty much the same place as LY, so a lot of bluster for not much change.
Looking forward to Ipswich coming back up - hope you can hang on to McKenna. Manager merry-go-round might be more interesting than transfers this summer.