That's interesting. I was going to hit up a TCR rider to try and get a discounted E3 Triple but they don't make them any more. Now I'm wondering what dynamo lights to go for (I want one for the Surly, the Crux possibly and my partner's bike/s). I have a klite on my MTB but they're very spendy so I want something 'good enough' but more like this M99 DY Pro (such catchy names). 273EU is still pretty spendy considering I paid not much more than 100E for my two E3 Triples.
Our use-case is variable though - in town, road audaxes and off-road adventures. I've used the Supernova Triple for most stuff and like it but the klite is cool too, especially for MTBing.
You probably want something like the Supernova M99 DY Pro.
This guy has the best comparisons, you can see the difference in beam patterns: