• #30577
No gravel in lake Annecy / Monte Blanc on Monday
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• #30578
No gravel in Girona today
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• #30579
Well, not if you're riding the long Traka there's not :P
• #30580
560km? That would take me a week.
• #30581
Looks fine. What was all the fuss about?
• #30582
There has undoubtedly been a lot of rain here but I've been riding in the UK for the last six months so it's not really an issue.
It was just nice to get a good ride in up the Els Angles off road climb and wear short sleeves and enjoy the sun on my back.
In fairness there was a thunder storm and we got wet in the last 8km returning into Girona centre but on balance I will take that.
• #30583
I still haven't got my money back from the cancelled Exeter train due to flooding at Easter and I was fucking pissed about that.
• #30584
May have put a deposit down on a Crux yesterday 😬
• #30585
You've changed man
• #30586
what is this forum coming to
middle age probably
• #30587
This thread urgently needs a photo of an Arkose.
• #30588
• #30589
Some gravel on Dartmoor last week but mostly bog with brief muddy bits
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• #30590
Garmin edge explore ✅
Feed bag full of snacks ✅
Front loaded Carradice ✅Sends kudos
• #30591
The true spirit of gravel
• #30592
Where was this on Dartmoor? I am in Tavistock and always on the look out for nice rides over the moors.
• #30593
Which one!?
• #30594
Nice ride around Bewl Water today with my daughter, thanks to a polling day off, inadvertently turned in to a 6 hour suffer fest, despite what insta might suggest.
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• #30595
I'm going to guess it's the route near King's Tor https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.5477165,-4.041276,3a,75y,76.81h,79.96t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN43_9rSHkLD4asd501mVooBqvZEb0XALSCUgKk!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipN43_9rSHkLD4asd501mVooBqvZEb0XALSCUgKk%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-2.755064-ya66.81848-ro3.861527-fo100!7i5760!8i2880!5m1!1e3?entry=ttu
• #30596
I think it was Sharp Tor on the Two Moors way. Just after this I turned into Abbots way which was Hike-a-bike through marshland.
I got on the moor at Okehampton some good twin track but a lot of walking down to Burrator reservoir. Nice trails from there to Lee Moor where I camped.
Then the bit above, then loads more hikeabike
Then NCN back to The White Hart in Okehampton.
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• #30597
I go to Devon or Cornwall most months for work so am trying to find good routes as well. Are there any near Tavistock?
I’m thinking of looking round Postbridge next.
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• #30598
I really have. Mostly through the middle though.`
@GoatandTricycle The 2023 Comp with Rival in Dove Grey. The forest green is a great colour but the stripey graphics are dead af.
• #30599
There's a few here. I rode the Goss Moor loop last month which was a decent ride. Can extend it by heading to Padstow for a lunchtime pasty
• #30600
Turns out it was actually in March but rest of comment stands
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Thoughts on this? I'm still trying to source a cheaper, AXS 8-bolt chainring: https://www.lfgss.com/comments/17372339/