In that 99% of comments I read about them are from people who have had them burst on their first ride or the valve comes away from the tube. They leak air and need constant topping up, they're single use because they're not elastic so they don't shrink back to packed size once they've been inflated. I've seen several people report that they hadn't even managed to use them because they weren't air tight out of the box and were on the nth warranty replacement before finding one that would hold air.
Mostly that they puncture, leak or go bang extremely easily though.
If I'm not mistaken, you also can't use normal patches on them so they're pretty pricey for disposable tubes that solve no problems.
By all accounts, TPU tubes seem completely shite. There's like 3 people saying they've had no problems with them.
Stick to latex if you can be bothered pumping up before each ride.