How the fuck are they going to get him elected as a MP? They’d have to get someone to stand down, get Johnson selected (which Sunak would do everything he could to block) then hope that they could squeak a win. Which, given recent by-elections, is definitely not a given, especially as Johnson is hated by a large section of the electorate.
It’s fantasy.
He'd do better at the election. He has a charm that works on people.
He doesn't, really. It's a combination of two things--one, the power of TV. People trust people just because they've been on TV, e.g. Trump. Secondly, being so insecure Johnson has a very fine sense of what people around him feel. He can therefore engage with that. Even if he was able to use this for good purposes and not cynically, he's such a bad decision-maker, so lazy and incompetent, and so deeply compromised that he should never get close to any position of responsibility ever again.
They still think Johnson is the answer...Jesus wept!