• #2652
So far, yes.
• #2654
If it’s on a non-flexy part of the body, the Posca pens work well. Admittedly risky though - flaking wouldn’t be a huge surprise.
I use them for driver figures and the cockpit on a Kyosho Fantom.
• #2655
• #2656
Paint it on the outside. Much easier to mask, just use the PS paint as usual.
• #2657
• #2659
You got a link? I'd love to do a classic Range Rover.👌
• #2661
Cheers, I thought it was from Buyee. I've heard folk are getting good deals from there.
• #2662
Ha! I didn't actually put 2 and 2 together and realise that was you on TC!
I've been looking at getting one of the SCAs myself, so that's why I knew about the kit.
• #2663
• #2664
I think a few here have had Buyee success.
• #2665
Been spending a lot of time just doing bodies for chassis that didn't have bodies. This is a latest.
It's a 2nd hand TB Evo 6 MS, with a new Montech EB1 body. I'm not a racer, but wanted this to be race-ready looking!
1 Attachment
• #2666
Very cool
• #2667
Not Tamiya specific, but what's the go-to entry level RC plane for messing about in the park with a six year old?
• #2668
Six year olds typically weigh about 20kg so you'll probably want something like this...
• #2669
• #2670
I got one of these and it's still going strong after a year or more of mishaps. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjKz-zv6_uEAxWciVAGHWtbCdQYABAJGgJkZw&ase=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqdqvBhCPARIsANrmZhOTEOVyG2Bym4yPzoQvGqmbOmiwx3tZxRPrjIqbxvVHfkibFLMQ2XAaAl7zEALw_wcB&ohost=http://www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2MsAh57jawkPJesaB1rJU-TI6--pvyzXEiI_mGnK1ifDFUGaG4C44In4PHxsq4xumtzICzbU9AeSbzJsq4KA7O9UOePiE6LDWELUj4V3EgqP3PKzf&sig=AOD64_2o2TSpS1hQrfmgB4rz7YONDRHKEw&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwjQvObv6_uEAxU1QUEAHVctBJEQ9aACKAB6BAgGEBY&adurl=
• #2671
Whoops. Sorry for massive link. There wa ssome chat on these a couple of pages back. Would highly recommend getting a couple of spare batteries and a bag of spare props. The props are designed to pop-off on impact, which is great but they often end up a good distance from the plane and are fiendishly difficult to find.
• #2672
Yeah. Any 400mm gyro enabled rtf really. Let them choose a colour.
You could try and go bigger with a powered glider but some park warden will probably shoot it with a military grade laser.
• #2673
Ta. Good shout about letting them choose the colour.
Will probably end up with a zero or Fw190 then
• #2674
park warden
These still exist?!!!
• #2675
Well. Whoever is working for the land owner.
...and HM Customs are turning a blind eye too? 😁