About 1200km on this in January which is a nice start to the year.
The drivetrain has been parts-washed and I've put some Vittoria Corsa Controls on in 30mm.
A bit of a twinge in my back has appeared so put 10mm under the stem, which makes all the effort I put into slamming the stem pointless for now... I didn't even had the chance to put the new headset cap on...
I've swapped the Tune seatpost for a Thomson as the clamping mechanism is so much easier to adjust, as I'm really particular about having the saddle exactly right.
The bike looks a bit regents park weekend warrior, I'll be honest.
Should be ready for another few thousand KM.
When I have some more money I'll get some proper lights for this so I can audax on it.
About 1200km on this in January which is a nice start to the year.
The drivetrain has been parts-washed and I've put some Vittoria Corsa Controls on in 30mm.
A bit of a twinge in my back has appeared so put 10mm under the stem, which makes all the effort I put into slamming the stem pointless for now... I didn't even had the chance to put the new headset cap on...
I've swapped the Tune seatpost for a Thomson as the clamping mechanism is so much easier to adjust, as I'm really particular about having the saddle exactly right.
The bike looks a bit regents park weekend warrior, I'll be honest.
Should be ready for another few thousand KM.
When I have some more money I'll get some proper lights for this so I can audax on it.
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