Back on the Huel since 2021 to curb the accumulated COVID kilo's that got exacerbated by injury induced restriction to practice sports.
I don't know what they changed in the newest powder formula but the previous biggest drawback of gag inducing flatulence has completely disappeared.
A bit miffed they got rid of the flavour powders though because it gave you the opportunity to cater flavour to taste. And the flavoured powders are way to strong. Now on 2 scoops of the normal, half of the flavoured one to get an acceptable result.
Also on the hot and savoury stuff. Same thing, way too strong a taste. Resorted to one scoop stuff, one scoop of pre cooked brown rice with broth to cater to my tastes (and wallet).
Tl;dr CSB, which I do feel a bit like a gym bro lugging that drinking bottle around. Which they also improved btw.
Back on the Huel since 2021 to curb the accumulated COVID kilo's that got exacerbated by injury induced restriction to practice sports.
I don't know what they changed in the newest powder formula but the previous biggest drawback of gag inducing flatulence has completely disappeared.
A bit miffed they got rid of the flavour powders though because it gave you the opportunity to cater flavour to taste. And the flavoured powders are way to strong. Now on 2 scoops of the normal, half of the flavoured one to get an acceptable result.
Also on the hot and savoury stuff. Same thing, way too strong a taste. Resorted to one scoop stuff, one scoop of pre cooked brown rice with broth to cater to my tastes (and wallet).
Tl;dr CSB, which I do feel a bit like a gym bro lugging that drinking bottle around. Which they also improved btw.