I was always a bit disappointed with Spyres but definitely noticed an improvement after switching to (Jagwire) compressionless housing. Also totally personal but I found setting them up with a bit more lever travel felt much better. I also tried cable actuated hydraulic (hy/rd) and didn’t find them that much of an improvement, but again probably a bit subjective this stuff.
Canyon looks great btw!
I don't really want to spend anymore than like, £150 redoing the braking. Even that hurts a bit!
I'm over the Spyres so maybe cable actuated hydaulic will give a little more bite without having the replace the shifters. That way I can just put some new rubber hoods on the shifters, recable everything and it should be good to go for this year.
Most of the time it's a commuter, some wet weather training and then touring (assuming no more bad luck) now that I have the Canyon, so maybe this will be a nice middle ground comprimise with spending lots of money and performance?