It is one of the ironies of our politics that the party which claims to believe in
sound money, the rule of law and the acceptance of individual responsibility
does precisely none of these things when in power.
Instead we witness a variety of Tory party apparatchiks thrashing around
blaming everyone but themselves for our current lamentable state. This is little more than an emotional spasm, blaming the victims and lashing out from within the 'bunker'.
It really is simple: enable people to obtain the basic necessities to live a dignified life and hey presto they do!
It is one of the ironies of our politics that the party which claims to believe in
sound money, the rule of law and the acceptance of individual responsibility
does precisely none of these things when in power.
Instead we witness a variety of Tory party apparatchiks thrashing around
blaming everyone but themselves for our current lamentable state. This is little more than an emotional spasm, blaming the victims and lashing out from within the 'bunker'.
It really is simple: enable people to obtain the basic necessities to live a dignified life and hey presto they do!