Includes some interesting stuff on transmission which I'd never heard before. Have any papers been published on how covid spread?
Dr Craig asserts close contact isn't the primary form of transmission, that the virus is airborne and can travel great distances infecting people as it disperses in the atmosphere. The story about the Argentinian fishing boat is very strange.
And lots of stuff about closed thinking in the medical profession and an unwillingness to listen to new ideas about how the virus spread.
Includes some interesting stuff on transmission which I'd never heard before. Have any papers been published on how covid spread?
Dr Craig asserts close contact isn't the primary form of transmission, that the virus is airborne and can travel great distances infecting people as it disperses in the atmosphere. The story about the Argentinian fishing boat is very strange.
And lots of stuff about closed thinking in the medical profession and an unwillingness to listen to new ideas about how the virus spread.