• Anyone have any suggestions for good/great Gastropubs up in Yorkshire. Going to be up there for Christmas and Missus wants to escape the fam for a bit.
    We’ll be up in east Keswick, so anything that is around Harrogate, knaresborough, wetherby sides would be good.
    From googling most of the chi chi recommends are an hour or more drive away, hoping for something within 30mins or so.
    This is currently closest but is pricey….

  • Polpo...I do love the design of his books though, the naked spine, so you could lie them flat to read recipes was a revelation (at least for me) and the recipes inside were good too..

    I might have some hazy memories but I'm sure @Regal played a part in the design of the Polpo cookbook? It's also one of my favourites as it was where I took my now wife on our very first date.

    I went to Fallow restaurant in Haymarket last week, their USP is using ingredients which are usually discarded. The cod's head was very good as were the corn ribs.
