Exactly my thought but that would mean making the pathway to the patio completely blocked as we would then have 900mm set of steps coming off that.
Builders suggestion was initially to do that but he's convinced that BC will see it at a temp solution just to get the cert and would start to unpick it or ask for all kinds of drawings and specs on it. So, we're now flipping the doors, absolute arse.
Urgh, building inspector came round and is insisting we make some serious changes to our extension door setup which is currently double door outward opening with two deep steps.
He is saying that for outward opening doors there needs to be a 900mm platform at internal floor level which leads to steps (which would make walking along our patio impossible). If we don't do that we need to change our doors to inwards opening and tweak the riser height. Rang builder, builder goes mental. No idea how I am going to turn this around in the same month we're going to be selling the place.
Absolute balls.