& @Marcootsee as @JonasGeitus mentioned, with these small old rims I measured right now the DTH 2.3" have 55mm. I also have this combination on the cargo bike it is OK and enough for rain, but it is not so wet & rainy in total here in Vienna.
@kvragu sooo many small parts are needed, at least I always need so many different small washers and screws and l-brackets and plastic parts. But then these fenders are so great for mounting, unfortunately they raised the prices (way too much).
Not so rainy in Vienna but it's starting to get wetter. @Madhias are you using 60mm mudguards with Maxxis 2.3" tires? I got the same tires and I am looking for mudguards. Most 60mm are listed for up to 2.1" only.