Not the smallest, but i've got a Cambridge yoyo (L) hooked up to the tv and it sounds great, can pick them up fairly cheap now if you keep an eye on ebay - has bluetooth / chromecast & digital inputs. I thought about moving mine into the kitchen to replace the old setup I have in there (amp / cd / chromecast audio / Q acoustics 3020) to save space at one point.
Pretty easy on the eye too
I quite like the HomePod mini. I've got one upstairs for background listening, and then a stereo pair in the shed for when I want to be anti-social and crank up the volume a bit when the wife has gone to bed.
A single is 'ok' for background listening, whereas a stereo pair actually sound quite nice.
Objectively, is it better to have a HomePod in the bedroom and get rid of the eltax bookshelf speakers I have or can someone recommend me something small and Bluetooth (preferably with an integrated power source and without an external aerial).
Use will be occasional listening while cleaning, soundtracking bedtimes (not like that).